Tax Season

For many, tax season magnifies stress levels while revealing the reality of one’s financial situation. This emotional impact shapes family arguments, control, fear, imbalance, on many parts of life.

Responding with a plan starts with a budget.

INCOME: Household Monthly                                             $
(take home after tax)  

Rent/Mortgage, Gas, Oil, Electric, Cable/Internet,            $
Water, Real Estate Taxes, Homeowners/Renters
Insurance, Home Repairs / Projects

Credit cards, Auto, Student, Personal loan,                         $
Medical bills, Add'l mortgage

Transportation:                                                             $
Auto Insurance, Gas, Maintenance
Subway/Bus pass, Uber/Lift

Food:                                                                                     $
Groceries, Restaurants/Bars, Coffee

Personal:                                                                            $
Mobile phone, Medical/Health costs,
Streaming (movies, music, news…..)
Gym, Clothing, Misc/Fun money
Life insurance 

Diapers, Daycare, Tuition, Babysitter /Nanny                   $

Charitable Giving:                                                        $
Church/Temple/Mosque, Food bank/Pantries,

After tax stocks, mutual funds, roth ira’s…..                      $
(this is separate from money withdrawn from
your paycheck)

Any add’l monthly expense:                                      $ 


If there’s money left over, think about putting towards debt and building an emergency fund.
If there’s a negative balance, think about getting some help with ideas to balance your budget.